Makers Art Group Blog

Friday, April 25, 2008

Sketch Tuesday

I'm completely inspired by this video I just saw on youtube. This group has organized an event called Sketch Tuesday in San Fransisco.

"Sketch Tuesday is a monthly live drawing event at (a local) gallery. It takes place a certain tuesday each month. It's where artists come and draw live, or sketch and when the work is done they hang it up and it's available for sale, for very little prices."

Wouldn't this be a wonderful project for The Makers to propose to some of the local galleries? We could promote this to KVAL, NIU and the Kish Art depatments for a call to artists. We could inform the local newspapers and radios and they could spread the word to both artists and buyers. I just think it would be a great addition to DeKalb. I have a vision of local artists bringing minimal supplies, and the tables and chairs are provided by the gallery or a group. Afterward the artists just tack up the artwork like in the video and people from the community are able to purchase affordable artwork. In my mind the gallery would hopefully do it in an interest to get people into, and become familiar with the gallery, not as a direct money making venture. People could be encouraged to bring appetizers and even wine, etc. so that buyers and the artsists could snack and shmooze. The pieces would need to be made that evening. In the video it sounds like it is an invite only group. I'm not opposed to the group being open to all artists, depending on how big it got.

I'm excited. We'll talk more about it tonight.

-robyn (

Thursday, April 24, 2008


The 04.25.08 meeting will be held at Kishwaukee Community College in the art room at 7:00pm where Natalie will be demonstrating her metalwork skills. Come earlier to join the college in celebrating it's 40th anniversary!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Polaroid Week

Today is the beginning of Polaroid Week. Everyone can join in on taking a picture and posting it daily here on the 'Roid Week 08 group on flickr.

This is my picture for Monday. Today was the first time I've ever taken Theo outside and let her be on the ground/grass. I've always been too afraid that she would get startled and run away, get attacked by some animal seeing her, or get a tick or fleas or something in the grass. She seemed very curious and I could just imagine what she was thinking..."What is this weird place where the ground is made entirely of food?"
-Robyn (

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Meeting 04.11.08

Natalie, Al and Erin were present and Robyn stopped by. Al handed out some of his prints to eager members. Erin showed her painting once again, but was stalled in progress. Members offered suggestions. No photos this week.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I just read an article in the star about local businesses that offer wireless services. The Junction, Java 101, Shelley's, Panera, The DeKalb Public Library and The House all offer free wireless. Caribou offers the first hour free and an hour for every purchase over $1.35. The others businesses in the article all cost money so I won't waste my time to mention them.
Any of these might be a nice "change-up" to meet at on Fridays. What do you think?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Makers Logo?

Let's revisit a Maker's Logo... What does everyone think of these:

I'm thinking t-shirts, signet rings, etc...
It's something I noticed with a particular Cher concert logo. Take each letter. If it is a mirror image of itself, leave it alone. If it isn't a mirror image, take the letter and flip it, join it in the center and *poof* a cartouche.

Meeting 04.04.08

Robyn & Erin came. Congratulations to Natalie who received honors at the Kishwaukee Kamelian Awards Ceremony... PLUS the cover!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Meeting 03.28.08

Al had a very productive few weeks. Sorry, there is not more meeting notes. It was a GREAT meeting!